Carry on Essentials for a Long Vacation

How I pack my carry on for a long trip, but a short flight is quite easy; it starts with the bag.  Our next trip is for a two week vacation but only about a 6-hour flight, which is relativly short.  When it’s an extended vacation like this, I usually pack a larger carry-on plus a checked bag.  So my carry on like most people is my most valuable things and necessities.  For international flights, I do change up my carry on bag and my packing in general but more of that to come later.

The difference for this blog post is the bag I use; it’s an amazing camera bag that literally holds everything and more. With so many compartments and adjustable areas you will be able to fit all of your camera gear and essentials. Plus, it fits in the overhead bin so I can still have a small purse to stuff in front during the flight.

camera bag

So, what are the essentials that I put in this fantastic camera carry-on bag, well here is the list, and in no particular order!


  • With that goes the mini tripod, charger, SD cards, and thumb drives as needed.  All of which fits in the lower compartment of the bag.
  • My laptop to blog, do schoolwork, and edit photos.  There is a nice padded compartment at the back of the bag that fits my 17″ laptop.
  • At least two pairs of sunglasses.  I have a problem with buying sunglasses so there may be more in my checked bag!
  • I also pack our games in my carry on in case we feel like playing while on the plane.  The ones that I always have packed is travel backgammon and Phase 10, as well as a standard deck of card in case the hubby wants to lose at gin.
  • My kindle, I love to read, and the airplane is the perfect uninterrupted time to get into a new book. I am currently reading The Magicians Trilogy.  I’ve also started listening to audible, so this is also an option.
  • Headphones would be next because I do not like using the ones, they give you on the plane.  I have a pair of Bose, and they are amazing and Bluetooth, so you don’t have to worry about the cord.
  • Depending on where we are going, I will bring my Bose speaker.  This way we can listen to some music on the beach, by the pool or up in the room.
  • ALWAYS TAKE A PEN!!  You never know when you are going to have to fill out paperwork, usually on international flights for sure.  But when traveling to Hawaii, you also need to fill out paperwork.  Most of the time, the airline does not give you a pen. 
  • A small pad of paper just in case you never know, or for keeping score in the games.
  • Always double check for the chargers to everything and the wall cube as well

Carry on Essentials

All of the above fits in the top compartment, which looks small but is the perfect size for everything.

  • I’m old school and still print off all of my confirmation emails for the charters, rental car, and the place we are staying and put these in the compartment with my laptop.

In my smaller carry on which is usually the purse, I will be using for the vacation.  Here is a list of what I put in here.

  •  Wallet with appropriate identification
  •  Tickets
  •  Phone
  •  Hand sanitizer
  •  Chapstick
  •  A PEN, as stated above is a must.

The hubby will usually pack the Go Pro, and all of its accessories in his carry one which is just a typical backpack.

I am not one of those girls that needs a million things on the plane.  I will either read, watch a movie, or pass out depending on flight time and distance.  Picking up snacks and water in the airport to have on the plane just in case is also a must.  Staying hydrated is important, but I also hate using airplane bathrooms, so this is usually a dilemma for me.  I do, however, put on a very hydrating face lotion to help combat the airplane air.

What are your carry on essentials?  Face mask? Eye mask?

About The Author

Palm Tree Dreaming